Tuesday, November 10, 2009

...burn alive you useless mites...

as this decade winds down* i have been increasingly aware of the fact that as the days and weeks and months and years slip past into antiquity, one indeed grows older. and the fact that this decade has bordered my years of 17-27, i realise that no other decade has nor will ever frame who i am much like the one about to disappear. so as i reflect on what as passed in these 10 years (15 different houses, several different girlfriends, swapping from one crappy corporation to another and back no less than 4 times, many fantastic new friendships, a handful lost) i will use this blog to look back on all the things that mattered to me to be read by probably non other than myself. **

*i am well aware that the decade actually runs from 2001-2010, but i really can't be bothered with such pedantry. the astrologers be damned!

**this will probably last about, say, maybe three months? until i get bored and just rant about the banalities of my world in the manner that has earned me the worthy title of Old Man Dan.

1 comment:

  1. Three months? I'm doubtful that this will last longer than three weeks! Go on, prove me wrong.
